Personal professional development at Collibra


Collibrians are united by our drive to help our customers do more with their data. One of our company values is “We are One Collibra,” and we believe that when one of us gains a new skill or learns through a challenging experience, we all get one step closer to succeeding in our mission.

Collibrian professional development

“The stars align when there’s a match between our strengths, our values, and the business needs. There is opportunity at the center.” — Tom Floyd, Flouracity

We believe professional development should be strengths-based, personal, and Collibrian-owned.

To help demonstrate this philosophy in action, we recently hosted an internal professional development panel with four Collibrians who have used this approach to advance their careers at Collibra — Alex Tsinman, Strategic Account Manager; Rakhi Wani, Manager, Software Engineering; JP Patterson, Lead Talent Acquisition Partner; and Dominika Kmieć, Manager, Test Engineering. Career development expert Tom Floyd of Flouracity moderated the panel and shared his own career story with tips for uncovering strengths and planning a path toward achieving career goals.

We summarized some key takeaways from the panel, along with more detail about the pillars of Collibra’s professional development philosophy in this blog series. Read on to learn about our strengths based approach, and check out our blogs on how to make career development strengths-based and Collibrian-owned.

What does personal mean?

Everyone has different goals, motivations, and ideas for what they want to do in their careers. It’s important that each person defines the career goals that align best with who they are and where they want their career to go.

Success does not necessarily equate to promotions or a management role, and linear career paths are increasingly rare. More often, people make a combination of upward, lateral, and exploratory career moves toward greater professional fulfillment — whatever that means for them.

How do you personalize your professional development?

As the name suggests, professional development is different for everyone, and it can change over time.

Rakhi recently stepped into a management role. To her, success is figuring out how to enable her team and the organization. On the panel, she shared, “How can I make it better for everyone on the team and organization beyond me? That’s the impact I want to have as a leader.”

Dominka emphasized that it is ok to start out going one direction, then realize you want to reroute. “Don’t be afraid to change your own mind. It’s ok to make mistakes and recognize you are not on the right path. Sometimes the path isn’t that clear. It has been getting more clear for me as I’ve grown up.”

Colleagues and managers can help point you in the right direction, as can people within your personal network.

Alex said he has gotten some of his most valuable insight from people beyond his direct team. “Have a conversation with someone who is outside your core team. Whether that’s a professional coach, a friend, or family member, it is good to get an outside perspective.”

Business needs are one of the best places to look for opportunities to grow.

Tom summarized it like this, “The stars align when there’s a match between our strengths, our values, and the business needs. There is opportunity at the center.”

Is a role at Collibra one of your personal development goals?

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Related resources


Owning your career at Collibra


Strengths-based professional development at Collibra


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Is a role at Collibra one of your personal development goals?

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