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Build a next generation data marketplace with Google Cloud and Collibra

Trusted data to derive value from cloud

Together, Google Cloud and Collibra enable companies to access trusted data to drive insights and improve business outcomes. Collibra and Google Cloud have come together to ensure that data citizens of all types have a single place to find, understand, access and trust data across the enterprise, across all roles and underlying systems.

Visit Google Cloud

Unified view of data across cloud infrastructure

Available on Google Cloud Marketplace

Leverage your existing commitment to Google Cloud to bring your data intelligence initiatives to the enterprise.

Built for all users

Engage both technical and non technical users on Google Cloud Platform through Collibra’s easy to use interface for all data citizens.

Catalog of catalogs

Integrate with Dataplex to unify the data governance and cataloging experience across Google and non Google sources, personas and teams.

Multi-cloud governance

Collibra unifies governance across multiple cloud storage platforms and applications. Through a direct interface with Google Cloud, Collibra allows your data governance policies to be natively enforced at the storage layer.

Collibra Excellence Awards

The Collibra Partner of the Year award recognizes partners who have displayed the highest level of commitment to delivering innovative Collibra solutions.

I’m excited about our partnership with Collibra. Together we bring two best-in-class capabilities to help customers accelerate their data journey. The integration between Google Cloud and Collibra makes it easier for enterprises to understand and use the data that is vital to their business. Our partnership provides our customers a strong foundation for governance that enables them to take control of their data, scale access and accelerate analytics all while maintaining compliance with privacy and policy practices.

Evren Eryurek

Evren Eryurek

Director of Product Management, Google Cloud

Customer stories

Financial services

Equifax uses data to bring new products to market


NetApp's approach to data governance enables trusted decision-making

See all customer stories

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