Collibra Inc.
Collibra Public Sector LLC
61 Broadway, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10006 — USA

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North America
US (North America HQ)
t +1 646 893 3042
f +1 917 722 6681
US (North Carolina)
150 Fayetteville Street, Suite 300
Raleigh, North Carolina 27601Canada
Collibra Canada Ltd.
44 Chipman Hill, Suite 1000
Saint John NB E2L 2A9 — CANADAt +1 646 893 3042
f +1 917 722 6681
Belgium (Global HQ)
Collibra Belgium BV
Picardstraat 11 B 205,
1000 Brussels — BELGIUMt +32 2 793 02 19
Czech Republic
Collibra Czech s.r.o.
Perlová 371/5, Staré Město,
110 00 Prague 1 — CZECH REPUBLICFrance
Collibra Belgium (a branch of Collibra Belgium BV)
Husprey SAS
17/21 rue Saint-Fiacre
Paris 75002 — FRANCEt +33 1 87 15 86 61
CNV Data Intelligence GmbH
Maximilianstraße 35
Munich 80539 — GERMANYNetherlands
Collibra B.V.
Collibra Netherlands B.V.
Laarderhoogtweg 25
1101EB Amsterdam — NETHERLANDSt +31 208 997 214
Collibra Polska sp. z o.o.
ul. Grabarska 1
Pegaz building B, 3 floor
50-079 Wrocław — POLANDSpain
Collibra España, S.L.
Spaces Alcobendas
Avenida de Bruselas 7
Alcobendas 28109 Madrid — SPAINt +34 91 076 68 43
Collibra Sweden filial (a branch of Collibra UK Ltd)
Biblioteksgatan 11, Box 590
114 11 Stockholm — SWEDENUK
Collibra UK Limited
200 Aldersgate, 7th Floor
London, EC1A 4HD — UKt +44 20 8618 0305
Collibra AU Pty Ltd
Level 19
181 William Street
Melbourne, Victoria
3000 — AUSTRALIA -
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Collibra Data Intelligence Platform
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- Industry resources